Free Assessment

Where are you now in your decision to stay or leave distressing work?

It feels terrible to be stuck! Take this assessment and know exactly where your mind is now in this key career (and life!) decision.

(Results will come to your email.)

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    woman in brown sweater covering her face with her hand

    "I had the opportunity to work with Becky at a time I was feeling stuck and frustrated professionally. Through working with her, I was able to clarify my professional goals and come to some solid

    decisions for myself."

    Lisa C.

    Portland, OR

    About me:

    Hello! I am Becky Farone. I’m a certified career change coach helping professional women over 40 decide to stay or leave distressing work environments so they feel energized and at peace.

    I'm passionate about helping people like you (even if you aren’t a cis-woman or aren’t even 40 yet) because I have been there. While my career has included many highs (learning, people, successes), it has had just as many lows. I’ve stared at the ceiling at 3am too many times, wondering what to do about this work situation I never expected. I have quit when maybe I should have taken a beat, built myself up and considered other options (looking at you Microsoft).

    What is it all about?

    My goal for you is to get the support you need to understand what is happening in YOUR distressing work situation, build your mental (and physical) reserves, and get clear on all of the options available to you – maybe even some new ones you haven’t even thought of yet.

    This free assessment is to help you understand where you are know in the process to stay or leave distressing work - and to validate how it feels.

    When you are in the middle of all the stress, fear, and uncertainty, it can be easy to dismiss where you are and how you are feeling.

    *Not intended to replace any therapeutic needs.